Get to know the best and most reliable Bitcoin 2020 mixer


Important facts:
  • An artificial intelligence system completely separates the origin and destination of transactions.

  • Instant or lag mix options for added security with no mapping.

One of the most well-known features of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is the anonymity that they offer. However, this anonymity is in part because these transactions are registered on a public blockchain and only the address of a person’s wallet can be given, although there is no direct identification of a name or place that could expose us, check your balance and track yours Transactions finally up to the user.

In addition, for transactions such as online cryptocurrency purchases or trading crypto on exchange platforms, our personal information is provided on the website and this data may make us vulnerable to an attack on our privacy.

This means that there is a security vulnerability to anonymity in transactions with crypto. Third parties may know how to use this vulnerability to track and link data that could compromise our funds and privacy.

There is a simple and quick solution to this problem, namely the cryptocurrency mix.

What is the cryptocurrency mix?

The mixing of cryptocurrencies is a process in which the specific means for a user’s transaction are combined with the means of other users or the reserve of a site specializing in this service via a mixer so that they are reached in ultimate anonymity, since there is no way to link them to the issuing user.

Why Use a Cryptocurrency Mixing Service?

Due to the globalization of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, its use for purchases, donations, peer-to-peer payments and the incredible interaction with the global economy is widespread.

Cryptocurrencies have aroused the interest of users who benefit from their advantages. But also by criminals who want to harm these users and by government agencies who want to monitor or prohibit these transactions.

By using a cryptocurrency mixed service, we can protect ourselves from these external factors that could compromise our privacy and the integrity of our funds.

PenguinX: The solution

PenguinX is a platform for the cryptocurrency mixed service that guarantees complete anonymity. The user’s cryptocurrencies are mixed with those of the platform, which have a huge reserve of more than $ 8.2 million, which facilitates the immediacy of transactions.

This means that our cryptocurrencies are mixed with a large number of different cryptocurrencies. This is the result of countless transactions that have previously been performed, making it impossible to match them to the original user, and as a result, we get clean cryptocurrencies with no traces of origin.

What is the difference between PenguinX?

There are several reasons why PenguinX The most reliable mixer of 2020 compared to other mixing services that guarantees your anonymity:

  • State-of-the-art artificial intelligence system This separates the information on the origin and destination of the transactions so that they are free of traces in the blockchain, which makes them completely anonymous.
  • Ultra secure private network with high-end-to-end high-security encryption through which transactions are carried out PenguinX.
  • Instant mixes or with a delay time of the user’s choice for a lower probability of the user being assigned to the transaction
  • Without Registration of user information and systematic deletion every 7 days of the operations performed.
  • Mix the most popular cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin cash and soon ether
  • Friendly, intuitive and multilingual design including Spanish.

How do we mix our coins with PenguinX?

Thanks to its automated platform, mixing our cryptocurrencies in PenguinX is fairly easy and requires only a few steps:

Mix in PenguinX

  1. The first is to choose the type of cryptocurrency to be mixed BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH.
  2. Next, the destination wallet address is entered and the delivery time selected.
  3. The money is then uploaded to an address assigned by the site. As the funds increase, the commission to be paid is selected and a “mix key” is received, which you can use to check the status of the mix on the website
  4. Finally, new cryptocurrencies are received

PenguinX With its advanced technology, it restores confidence in the anonymity of cryptocurrencies that initially attracted people to it. It gives its users security and peace of mind knowing that their transactions are not being monitored and that their funds are secure.

If you would like more information about the best and most reliable PenguinX cryptocurrency mixer, you can contact them by email: [email protected] or by telegram from @penguinxmixer.

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