
Next we monitor the development of the price of Bitcoin and the levels of Hash available in the digital currency network.


Price development of Bitcoin

At the time of processing, the price is from Bitcoin It’s in USD $ 8,634 per unitand although the price is still higher than yesterday, the digital currency saw a sharp decline around 12:20 p.m. (New York time).

Price development Bitcoin Hours before halving. picture of Daily crypto markets Bitcoin

This development represents an increasing number of sales shortly before the digital currency reached USD 9,000 per unit, precisely from many investors and users who decided to save their profits a few hours later in the event of a possible decline Halve.

The volume of daily business It is around $ 52,121 million after a drop of at least $ 1,000 million in the past few hours.

Levels of Hash in the web Bitcoin

Although there is no concrete data in real time that reflects the current status of the levels Hash in the web Bitcoin, after data extracted from the portal Bitinfocharts.com, At the end of May 10, this indicator was above TH 125.3306 E / s and exceeded the values ​​recorded for the previous day by approximately TH 18.0000 E / s.

HASH levels online Bitcoin. picture of Bitinfocharts.com

This data represents a slight increase in mining activity, possibly motivated by operators of less powerful equipment who are interested in making a profit before such operations become completely impossible due to the reduction in the reward margin for the mining community. .

Other important dates

At the time of printing, there are just under an hour and a half to reduce the miners’ profit margins Bitcoin, So there are only 9 blocks left, the profit of which will be about 12.5 BTC generated.

If you want to see in detail how many blocks are left and how much time is left for halving, we invite you to read our section on this topic, which also includes detailed information on the reasons and implications of this cut for the digital one Find currency.

With information from Crypto markets DailyBitcoin

Angel Di Matteo’s version / DailyBitcoin

picture of Pixabay


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