
This donation from Binance and Brock Pierce goes to doctors who are at the forefront in the fight against Covid-19 in Puerto Rico, where only 1,400 cases and 86 deaths have been confirmed on the islands.
Changpeng Zhao, CEO of Binance, has already contributed $ 2.4 million for this purpose. Binance also announced that this donation is used to buy personal protective equipment for hospitals and first responders in Puerto Rico and other Caribbean islands.
Zhao announced in early April that he had donated $ 2.4 million Helping the most vulnerable people in the Caribbean to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, for whom he stressed that this amount would be used primarily for the purchase of medical items.
However, the total amount that Binance has allocated so far is $ 3.4 million from donations from more than 40 companies.
A very important help
The idea of including Puerto Rico as a priority in this program is because Medical infrastructure has suffered a number of imbalances caused by a number of natural disasters Just like two hurricanes in September 2017 and an earthquake in January of the same year, which meant an internal catastrophe with serious consequences for the physical part of the social, human and administrative infrastructure.
Compared to other places, the pandemic didn’t hit Puerto Rico as much as it did in New York, for example 301,450 confirmed cases and more than 23,000 deaths.
“The most important element of human life is to show compassion and to help others without restrictions or limitations.”said Helen Hai, director of the Binance Charity Foundation, an entrepreneur who made most of her fortune by building shoe factories in Africa.
More help
On the other hand, Brock Pierce’s Puerto Rican non-profit organization Fundación Integro merges the buying efforts with Binance A million dollars in personal protective equipment for people and in this way try to avoid contamination of its residents.
This foundation, which works in Puerto Rico, has donated 44.5 BTC to Binance Charity, an equivalent to $ 2.1 million Supporting the medical care of public organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), which among other things should provide masks and other relief supplies for health workers, which are necessary for the primary care of those affected by this virus.
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