Bitcoin and Ethereum contribute to the fight against Covid-19 – Cryptocurrency with donations to the Red Cross


Thanks to a sudden and grateful contribution from Bitcoin to the Castel Gandolfo community in Italy, a pre-triage medical post was set up on April 5 to combat the advanced outbreak of the coronavirus that the Italian community is suffering from.

On March 12, the committee Colli Albani from the Italian Red Cross A fundraiser started and, according to Helperbit, this initiative caught the attention of all the media early on as it was the first such effort in the Italian cryptocurrency sector that was seen as a success for the amount raised.

A first contribution by $ 10,900what enabled the installation of the tent, which was the first goal, but the contributions They continued to grow, and by that date, April 7, donations had increased to $ 31,686. that cover the second target sentence.

Bitcoin and Ethereum contribute to the fight against Covid-19 with donations to the Red Cross

Photo courtesy of Blog Helperbit

Guido Baroncini Turricchia, CEO of Helperbit, said:

“Anyone who has spontaneously and privately made their respective contributions to realizing this project should be proud of this initiative. Bitcoin confirmed that it is a powerful tool, a technology that provides direct and rapid international aid to disasters can also be the level of transparency »

Cryptocurrencies, quickly and in the order of donations

According to Baroncini, this initiative could demonstrate How easy can this tool be to use to collect donations from around the world?and that they could immediately become assets to cooperate in any way and mitigate disasters that may occasionally occur unexpectedly everywhere, taking into account the costs involved 0.55% in rates.

“When the Colli Albani committee sent me photos of the business, a gift of solidarity from the Bitcoin community, I was thrilled. Heleerbit’s efforts in conjunction with those of Bitcoin donors are now saving lives and helping protect first responders »Baroncini added.

However, Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency that has made international donations to help the most needy.

The Decrpy portal recently reported on the fifth round of grants from the open source cryptocurrency reward platform Gitcoin that was included A section on the causes of coronavirus controland thus the co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin and Gitcoin each donated $ 50,000 to the cause.

To learn more about the target and its updates, you can enter here.

Photo courtesy of Blog Helperbit

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