
After the halving event Bitcoin

Could Bitcoin’s annual inflation decline lead to an increase in demand? After its Halvin event, Bitcoin is becoming much scarcer. Your annual inflation rate will therefore be much lower than that of most central banks.

Bitcoin BTC halving

Bitcoin’s inflation rate will drop to 1.8%

At the time of writing, Bitcoin’s inflation rate is 3.65%. After halving, however, it will soon drop to only 1.8%. That is about half the world average inflation rate. In comparison, the world recorded an inflation rate of 3.41% in 2019.

As analyst Mati Greenspan (@MatiGreenspan) writes, this will naturally make Bitcoin more attractive.

“At this point, acceptance no longer has to grow to maintain the price,” he recently wrote in a tweet.

However, others were not so convinced. Low inflation does not make a commodity or asset attractive in itself, some would argue. It also depends on supply and demand. In other words, Bitcoin still has to be matured as an asset if it is to be a “reserve currency” or a central store of value.

Traditional investors are not currently looking to hedge against inflation. It is clear that we are now in the middle of a deflationary crisis. However, the macroeconomic indicators can change. As Mati Greenspan, founder of Quantum Economics, told BeInCrypto, high inflation tends to follow a deflationary spiral.

That’s how it usually works. The pendulum can swing fairly quickly at times, especially in the extreme conditions we see now. “

Does the halving event have a price?

The fact that Bitcoin is getting scarcer is definitely bullish in the long run. However, the short-term forecast is much more confusing.

It has been speculated that the halving is at full price. As BeInCrypto recently reported, Bitcoin’s price movements have recently differed from those of the last two halving events. Bitcoin’s RSI has never been so low before halving. It is currently unclear what this means for Bitcoin’s short-term price movements.

The current macroeconomic outlook also makes it particularly difficult to predict Bitcoin’s short-term forecast. However, Bitcoin’s low inflation rate should be more attractive when the dust settles.

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