Brave requires the EU to do everything possible to protect privacy. It also means that governments do not keep their residents’ data safe.
In a recent report, Brave Browser called on the European Union (EU) to act against member governments that do not offer adequate protection to their citizens. You must therefore comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The EU boldly demands that the GDPR be applied
The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR for its acronym in English, is the Spanish name for the new European regulation known as the “General Data Protection Regulation”.

It is a European regulation that sets out the new legal framework for the protection of personal data and privacy. It is therefore the reference standard for all Member States in this matter without the need for a national law to implement its provisions.
Brave accuses the European Commission
On April 27, Brave lodged a complaint with the European Commission against 27 EU member states, asking them to take action. They mainly claim that they do not have the necessary staff to comply with the GDPR and therefore do not offer privacy protection.
“According to Article 52 (4) of the GDPR, national governments must provide the data protection authorities with the human and financial resources that are necessary to perform their tasks.”
See Brave’s complaint about non-compliance.
In this way, he adds that “only five of the 28 for enforcement GDPR In Europe they have more than 10 technology specialists. As a result, managers don’t have the ability to investigate big tech.“”
The report also states that law enforcement agencies do not have sufficient funds. As a result, you are unwilling to initiate costly litigation against technology giants.
Dr. Johnny Ryan, Director of Industrial Policy and Relations, pointed out that Brave is asking the EU to open infringement proceedings against Member State governments. If necessary, refer the case to the Court of Justice of the European Communities.
The complaint lists all EU member states with the exception of Germany. According to the report, this nation is the only one with adequate staff and budget.
Ryan was also a key initiator of a number of strategic complaints, including certain widespread practices in the technology industry.
Google is denounced by Brave
Previously, Brave accused Google of using clandestinely hidden websites that transfer their users’ personal information to advertisers. This undoubtedly violates Article 5 paragraph 1 letter b of the GDPR. For the same reason, Brave is now demanding that the EU apply it.
Dr. Ryan would have discovered the secret websites when he tried to control how his data was traded on the Google advertising exchange.
The company’s report explains that the analysis performed found that at the time of “activity on other websites and applications, Google found data” from both Google and other external sources, websites and applications that have them Google doesn’t own “.
In summary, Brave believes that Google violates up to five articles of this General Data Protection Regulation. Claim that:Google was unable to identify the purposes for which data is collected and processed sufficiently specifically, explicitly and transparently.“”
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