The analysis of the most important ETH portfolios gives an optimistic outlook
The Ethereum is the focus of the day’s quick news. Starting with Cochran, the analyst who predicts that the Ethereum 2.0 bet will result in a new ban, on April 29, he released a 109-page tweetstorm that revealed its results from a manual review of ETH’s 10,000 fattest purses.
Cochran’s first point of contact is the distribution of ETH across the large portfolios. This is something that many critics point to as evidence of centralized control over minerals, but research suggests otherwise.
While approximately 17% of ETH (16.6 million ETH) is held by only 10 addresses and the top 10,000 addresses have approximately 94% of the available tokens, this is distorted by the fact that they are large used and held in smart contracts.

Removal from the equation shows that the top 10,000 Ethereum addresses actually contain around 56.7% of ETH, comparable to the 57.44% of Bitcoin (BTC) that contains the top 10,000 wallet addresses.
OKEx joined ETH as a validator
OKEx continued Ethereum (ETH) in today’s fast news and was known for coming to ETH 2.0 Topaz as a validator as several companies compete to develop a Phase 0 customer before the end of 2020.
It has been announced that you have joined an Ethereum 2.0 test network to verify deployment.
As can be seen from his blog post, OKEx is now validating blocks in the Ethereum 2.0 Topaz test network launched by Prysmatic Labs. Alysa Xu, chief strategy officer at OKEx, said the exchange believed in Ethereum’s potential and role in the industry. .
He also announced that the exchange plans to promote the development of Ethereum after “Cooperation with Prysmatic Labs established“”
Prysmatic Labs is one of several companies working on a client for Ethereum 2.0.
For Ethereum 2.0, the Ethereum Foundation enables many independent projects to present their own customers. This is the software that defines how a blockchain works, and it is important that all implementations remain compatible with each other.
The Props project goes from private blockchain to public blockchain from Algorand
The Props project, which also includes the popular dating app Dating.com, is switching to Algorand’s blockchain.
Props Project, a decentralized app network, which also includes Dating.com, migrates from a private blockchain to Algrorand (AGLO).
Props’ independent application network uses the Props token as a reward mechanism. It currently has over three million users in various applications.
The company developed PropsChain, a private branch of Ethereum, which currently processes 50,000 transactions per hour.
The Bitcoin price helped other cryptocurrencies
The impressive recovery in the price of bitcoin has pushed the crypto market higher and asked traders if the upward trend will continue until halved.
The developer of the popular stock-to-flow model (S2F), PlanB, has updated his model. This has led to a revision of the Bitcoin forecast from $ 100,000 to $ 288,000 for the period between 2020 and 2024.
For his part, Tim Draper, the investor, recently repeated his statement that the main cryptocurrency at CoinMarketCap will reach $ 250,000 in late 2022 or early 2023.
After five days at close range, Bitcoin (BTC) has taken a decisive step today. The sharp break above the USD 8,000 resistance zone.
For its part, Ether (ETH) is trying to break out of the resistance line of the rising channel. The price of the currency is currently quoted at USD 204.14, although the deviation has decreased by -5.80% in the last 24 hours according to the CryptoTrend online crypto tool.
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