18 goals, among which blockchain technology is mentioned, form the Brazilian government’s planning to promote digital transformation

The Brazilian government is trying to digitize and develop new practices for public services, hand in hand with new technologies such as blockchain, which are mentioned in the goals set in the strategy for digital governments
By a decree signed by the president, Jair Bolsonaro, the government of brazil established his Strategy for the digital government 2020-2022, in which different goals and targets are set that relate to Government development supported by digital technologies, especially focused on public services.
Among the planning goals highlights the way the Brazilian government is trying to digitize public services and undertake a digital transformation by 2022as well as development of assessment mechanisms, channels and digital access to public services. Also They are looking for common platforms and tools as well as for the integration of public services and guidelines based on this approach.
In addition, the Government of Brazil aims to Integration of new technologies in public services, Goal in which it determines the development of At least nine blockchain solutions for public administration Federal by 2022. Similarly, the strategy also adds Create an interoperable blockchain-focused network for the federal government and “Using reliable identification and secure algorithms”.
Among the 18 goals, various digital mechanisms have focused on the Data protection, digital government security, digital identity for citizens, data transparency, optimization of information technology infrastructuresamongst other things.
Although not mentioned in the other goals, blockchain technology could serve to complement and promote solutions to meet them. especially with regard to data transparency and digital identity.
The Brazilian government recently open a tender procedure for Hire a specialized blockchain company to build a data network shared, increasing the consideration of technology for the construction of government solutions.
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