Days after the announcement of the cessation of activities on the platform, the messages were checked by DailyBitcoin on May 7th National Superintendance of Cryptoactive and Related Activities (Sunacrip) from Venezuela did a process of updating the entire technological platform with a new design and new functions.
On this the medium Banking & business indicated that the idea of Sunacrip is the improvement of the services of PetroApp in managing the Petro.
DailyBitcoin has reviewed the update and found that the new features are at least six.
PetroApp with a new face: design update and six new functions
How to update the PetroApp can be accessed through the usual link, www.petro.gob.vein which the user can visualize the new design:

The main updates include the following six:
1) User registration and validation as well as login.
The new website interface of Petro More visually shows a section for user registration and login:

2) Transaction finder in Block Explorer
Now the website of Petro It offers a section where you can see the transactions made and in which block depending on the statement. It can be accessed via the link https://explorador.petro.gob.ve/insight::

Especially This was a high point in the discussions in the community about the validity or non-validity of crypto activity. many users have argued that There is no way to validate a transaction from Petro.
3) New payment options and sales outlets
Something that only attracts your attention by accessing the portal’s service option is with “Petro Pago “.
In this new update the portal offers various payment methods this can be done with the state cryptoactive, from the payment gateway itself “Petro Pago“, Forward payment buttons and payment requests, similar to those used by universal platforms such as Paypal or Payoneer.
They also reported that a mobile payment feature “most easily“It would soon be available for fast payments called”Petropago Lite“”
4) Minimum amount for trading the Cryptoactive
This is a new option that is being reviewed by the media Banking & business, although it has not reported what this minimum amount is. DailyBitcoin did not find this information in the PetroApp.
5) Multiple languages: Chinese and English
The user can access the website of the Petro in two other languages in addition to Spanish: English and Chinese.

If you access from these languages, you will notice that in both cases the previous interface has been retained.
6) Informative blog
A new blog will appear on the new platform to provide updated information to users. It can be accessed via the link https://blog.petro.gob.ve/. Basically there is information about the operation of the new version.
Update your wallet address Petro
It became known that users of the platform PetroApp You need to update the address of your cryptocurrency wallet in four steps.
- You need to access https: //PetroApp.Petro.gob.ve /.
- In the “ReceivesClick on the logo of the cryptocurrency whose wallet address you want to get.
- The system shows you the QR code and the 34 digits of the selected cryptocurrency wallet.
- The address of the cryptocurrency consulted is copied by clicking on the “Copy“” This allows you to get an updated wallet address for wire transfers.
For most visual readers, the following infographic is available on the blog of the. Is included Petroapp:

cards PetroApp and ATMs
The website’s review also revealed that another of the services announcing that they will be activated soon will be Issuing a physical and digital card, both connected to the account PetroApp the user.
It was also known in this update that in addition to the physical and digital cards, these are activated ATMs for buying and selling Petros and other cryptocurrencies.
It should be noted that this process of updating the platform Petro, including the application of PetroAppis part of the government’s policy to promote the spread of its cryptocurrency. However, there is still a big one lack of trust of many users.
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Sources: Petro, Banking & business, File from DailyBitcoin.
Articles by Arnaldo Ochoa / DailyBitcoin.
Image from an image agency
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