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The week of April 6-12, 2020 was a relevant week for the Bitcoin ecosystem like that of its forks. The halving of Bitcoin is just around the corner and this week the forks BCH and BSV had their own halving, just like BTC will soon have. The effects were noticed with the possible Emigration of BCH miners to the BTC blockchain. In the meantime, BeInCrypto is analyzing whether Some BTC miners are already surrendering due to the low prices of bitcoin. It was all of that gigantic movements detected in the Bitcoin network And much of that money was withdrawn from the stock exchanges. Has Hodl become fashionable again?
At the same time, a case of great importance has broken out, affecting several large companies related to cryptocurrencies. The U.S. courts have filed a multiple lawsuit against various crypto companies in different countries. Among the companies we find Binance, KuCoin, Tron Foundation, BitMEX, Block.One and Civic. BeInCrypto remains vigilant in all steps in this case.
Venezuela has been lucky ever since Dash
BUY NOW started Dash Text to try to create a system that allows payment by SMSMake cryptocurrency independent of the internet. This would be very useful in the constant blackouts that the country is suffering from. It could also be extrapolated to countries where the Internet is not the general rule.
Obviously, bypassing the coronavirus problem is almost impossible. Deutsche Bank supports the open use of digital currencies, all the news from one of the major banking institutions.
All of this and much more at BeInCrypto, your trusted crypto news portal.
The main crypto news of the week from April 6th to 12th, 2020
US courts sue large crypto companies
The judiciary is calling on large cryptocurrency companies for alleged irregularities in the sale of unregistered securities. This would be one of the largest measures ever taken in the cryptocurrency and blockchain technology space.
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Other relevant crypto news from the week of April 6th to 12th, 2020
Ballena moves $ 361 million BTC to many different portfolios for $ 0.50
A whale was currently moving $ 49,342 BTC worth $ 361 million at a meager price of $ 0.50. However, some have shown that identical amounts have been circulating in different portfolios recently.
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Bitcoin cash miners leave the chain due to halving
The result of halving block mining rewards on the Bitcoin Cash network has led to a massive exodus of miners to other crypto ecosystems.
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Next Bitcoin boom through stable Bitcoin offer indices
According to the market analysis group of the Glassnode chain, the current stablecoin supply index has reached a record low. In contrast, USDT balances are at record highs on the exchanges, which could trigger a perfect storm for a flood of Bitcoin purchases.
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More than $ 66 million in Bitcoin has been withdrawn on various exchanges
There are currently large withdrawals from the exchanges that could indicate the possibility of a future sale.
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As chain metrics indicate, Bitcoin has already bottomed out
It can rightly be said that the mood on all financial markets around the world has changed recently. Bitcoin was no exception to this trend, and chain metrics can show where the markets are going …
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Dash claims that crypto works via SMS with Dash Text without internet
Options for sending cryptocurrencies offline are becoming increasingly popular in the market. In order to adapt to people’s needs or to use and reach wider markets, the Internet is no longer absolutely necessary for the transfer of value.
Covid-19 is driving the digital money revolution, says Deutsche Bank
Marion Laboure, a researcher at Deutsche Bank, worked on the drafting of a document indicating that the current outbreak of COVID-19, which is known to be transmitted through the transfer of paper money, could accelerate interest rates. , already increased by the central bank’s digital currencies (CBDC, acronym in English).
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