
Sony has developed high-speed processing technology that, according to the company, enables registration and exchange of transport data supported by blockchain for more than 7 million people.
Sony Corporation, announced in a statement the development of a common database platform, called Blockchain Common Database or BCDBWhat uses blockchain technology such as MaaS (Mobility as Services), a mobility service that integrates the next generation of public transportexplained Sony.
Blockchain technology applied It is used to create networks in which programs and information are difficult to destroy or changein this case MaaS integrates various modes of transport such as taxis, buses or shared vehicles.
These modes of transport must use cloud technology to Providing users with information about recommended transportation routes, destinations, resources, and servicesto releasewhich states on the platform:
It contains details that include the route, the amount of time and the total cost, covering the entire process from reservation to compensation. Developed independently by Sony
The BCDB of Sonywas the only one who made it by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Managementduring the Blockchain Challenge program. Regarding the platform and its operation, Sony shows:
BCDB has enabled information to be recorded and shared in a distributed blockchain ledger between different MaaS transport companies, transaction processors and service providers, so that information can be used reliably and transparently and implemented as a service.
In addition, the platform was developed during the Blockchain Challenge programand proves that is scalable and is calibrated for even faster data processingto take it to transportation companies in larger cities, they explain.
As well BCDB not limited to MaaSThey point out in the declaration that this is a decentralized information platform “Can help improve travel efficiency and future smart city action”.
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